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Weekly Horoscope Pisces, March 10-16, 2024 predicts happiness in love

Stay happy in the love relationship and also take up new responsibilities at the job. Financial issues demand smart spending. Your general health will be good.
Be cool in the love life. Handle every professional challenge without compromising on the quality.
Financial issues will be there but health is good this week.

Friction may be there in the love air and you need to troubleshoot it as soon as possible. Some relationships will need continuous pampering and you need to ensure your lover is always kept happy. Do not get into arguments and you should also not hurt the emotions of your partners. Some Pisces natives will go back to an old love affair. Married Pisces natives should not get into a relationship with an ex-lover and must also avoid office romance that may damage the marital life.

Be productive at your job and also keep office politics out. Your efforts to take up new responsibilities will help you stay in the good book of management. Artists, authors, musicians, and designers will get opportunities to prove their skills. A businessman may invest in a new venture and there will be no shortage of funds. Your efficiency in handling clients will be tested and this will also play a major role in appraisal discussion.

Minor financial issues will exist and this may also reflect in your lifestyle. Be careful while making crucial monetary decisions. The first part of the week is not suitable for investments in stock, trade, or speculative business. Though the returns from previous investments may not be as expected, businessmen will see good opportunities to take the trade to the next level. Some fortunate traders will see a good market aboard as well.

No major health issue will trouble you. Seniors should be careful while using the staircase or while boarding a bus or train. Some female natives may develop gynecological issues which would need medical advice. Invest your time in yoga and meditation as well. Doing yoga and some light exercises in the morning would be very beneficial as it gives energy to the body.

By: Dr. J. N. Pandey
Vedic Astrology & Vastu Expert
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 9717199568, 9958780857
